#Dog# #144Months# #6.5kg# #mandible-other position-other fracture#

Clinical case of fracture of the mandible in a poodle from BlueSAO SVETOSS

Chongqing Taihe Animal HospitalDr. Li2023-05-11 397

Poodle, name: Buding, 12 years old, female (not neutered), weight: 6.5Kg

Fracture of the mandible due to bite injury. During the surgery, the BlueSAO HyProtect-PRCL® 6.5mm silver ion antibacterial bone plate was used for internal fixation. In addition, BlueSAO S-VETOSS artificial bone imported from Canada was implanted to stimulate rapid generation and healing of bones. The surgery was successful and we hope for a speedy recovery!

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO