#Dog# #144Months# #6.1kg# #femoral head-other position-other fracture# #hip joint-other position-THR#

THR Surgery of Osteochondral Fracture of Femoral Head in a Bichon Frise — Dr. Chen Zhiwei from Shenzhen U Pet Hospital

Shenzhen U Pet HospitalDr. Chen Zhiwei2023-08-24 398

Breed: Bichon Frise, 12 years old, 6.1kg.

Medical history: the chief complaint: the dog has experienced shiver and pain in its left hind limb for the past two months, and has mild lameness after waking up. The dog walks well and can bear weight normally in both hind limbs, but after going out for a long period of time, the affected limb would shiver and tremble, and no improvement was observed for two months.

After arriving at the hospital, X-ray examination showed that there was a cartilage fracture on the posterior side of the femoral head,and hyperplasia and unevenness of the joint cavity. Based on the long onset time, obvious pain, and X-ray suggestive of arthritis, and after communicating with the pet owner, it is decided to adopt the BlueSAO Micro & Nano Hip Replacement System for total hip replacement (THR).

We did the THR surgery by using a #2 cemented stem, a φ14mm cemented cup and a φ8mm (+0) head. The dog walked well on the second day postoperatively, with good weight bearing on the affected limb.

Preoperative X-ray:

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO