#Dog# #8Months# #6kg# #hip joint-other position-dysplasia# #hip joint-other position-THR#

THR Surgery of Hip Dysplasia in a West Highland White Terrier — Dr. Shao Zhiwei from Wuhan Weiwei Animal Hospital

Wuhan Weiwei Animal HospitalDr. Shao Zhiwei2024-04-14 527

A west highland white terrier, eight months old, male, 6kg,

suffered from hip dysplasia. As such, we decided to perform a THR surgery by using a φ12mm cemented cup, a #2 femoral stem, and a φ8mm (+0) femoral head of BlueSAO Micro & Nano Hip Replacement System for replacement. The dog recovers well. Best wishes for an early recovery.

Thanks to Dr. Shao Zhiwei (Wuhan Weiwei Animal Hospital) for sharing the clinical case of BlueSAO Hip Replacement System.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO