A mix dog, nickname: Tiedan, 7 years old, male (unneutered), 14kg,suffered from a lameness in the left hind limb for over a month. The drawer test of the knee joint showed negative results, followed by anarthroscopy (BlueSAO’s latest product) prior to the surgery, which confirmed that the dog suffered a medial head tear of the cranial cruciate ligament, with no signs of a meniscus injury. Therefore, the decision was made to proceed with a TPLO surgery. The dog’s ligament was internally fixed with BlueSAO TPLO-6.5mm L-type pure titanium locking plate.The surgery was completed successfully, and the dog is recovering well from the surgery. Best wishes for an early recovery.
Thanks to Dr. Du Lang (Kunming Heng Jia Pet Hospital) for sharing the clinical case of BlueSAO TPLO locking plate system.
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