An Alaskan malamute, nickname: Wang Shiwu, 8 months old, female, 25kg,suffered from a fracture of humerus of the right forelimb and left radius and ulna due to a fall. As such, we decided to perform a PRCL surgery.Accurate preoperative planning was made by BlueSAO iBlueVet.BlueSAO PRCL® 10mm and 8mm pure titanium locking plates and Kirschner wire were adopted for dual plate internal fixation. The surgery was completed successfully. Best wishes for an early recovery.
Thanks to DirectorDu Youwei (Heng Xing Animal Hospital of Hefei)for sharing the clinical case of BlueSAO PRCL® locking plate system.
BlueSAO PRCL® Locking Plate System: Imported Pure Titanium Guarantees the Quality
Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO