#Dog# #144Months# #6kg# #knee joint-other position-rupture of cranial cruciate ligament# #knee joint-other position-TPLO#

20250102- [Rupture of Cranial Cruciate Ligament] A Toy Poodle, Fixed with TPLO-S System Successfully

Kunming Heng Jia Pet HospitalDr. Du Lang2025-01-15 141

A toy poodle, nickname: Maoxian, 12 years old, female (neutered), 6kg,was seen for weakness in both hind limbs that prevented her from walking. The dog exhibited muscle atrophy in its hind limbs, with a positive anterior drawer test on both knee joints. The dog suffered from the medial luxation of the patella of the bilateral hindlimbs. No other joint abnormalities or neurologic abnormalities of the bilateral hindlimbs were seen. Therefore, the diagnosis was made that the dog suffered from bilateral rupture of cranial cruciate ligament of knee joints. Anarthroscopy (BlueSAO’s latest product) was performed prior to the surgery, which confirmed that the dog suffered a medial head tear of the cranial cruciate ligament and synovitis. Therefore, the decision was made to proceed with a TPLO surgery. The dog’s ligament was internally fixed with BlueSAO TPLO-5.5mm pure titanium locking plate. The surgery was completed successfully, and the dog is recovering well from the surgery. Best wishes for an early recovery.

Thanks to Dr. Du Lang (Kunming Heng Jia Pet Hospital) for sharing the clinical case of BlueSAO arthroscope system and TPLO locking plate system.

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