A golden retriever, 8 years old, female, 32kg,suffered from old hip disorder for seven years. Recently, the dog presented with severely restricted joint motion, weakness, pain and muscle tremors in the affected limb. As such, we decided to perform a THR surgery. Intraoperatively, a φ27mm bionic cup, a φ22mm PEEK femoral head, a #6 biological stem, an M+0 femoral neck, and a φ22mm cortical bone side bolt of BlueSAO Bionic Hip Joint System were adopted for replacement. The surgery was completed successfully. Immediate postoperative luxation testing showed stable results, and the cat is recovering quickly thanks to the minimal damage from this surgery.
This dog's old hip disorder resulted in severely restricted joint motion, leg weakness, and pain when standing that in turn led to muscle tremor. Thanks to the magic of technology - hip replacement, this dog's leg was much better as far as the naked eye could see 20 days after her hip replacement. This dog will be able to live a healthy, happy life.
BlueSAO Hip Replacement System:Non-3D Printed Stem of Mainstream Forging Stem Process! All implants like the acetabular cup, femoral head, femoral neck, and lateral bolt are not 3D printed and have stood the test of time to be safer and more reliable!
Thanks to Dr. Li Yongqi (Tianjin Huating Pet Hospital) for sharing the clinical case of BlueSAO Bionic Hip Joint System.
Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO