#Dog# #96Months# #35kg# #knee joint-other position-rupture of cranial cruciate ligament# #knee joint-other position-TPLO#

20190823 -【Rupture of cranial cruciate ligament】A Siberian Husky, fixed with TPLO-M system successfully

ThailandDr. Thirawat Sumalai2019-08-27 1529

A Siberian Husky, named Shakira, 8 years old, female, 35kg, suffered from claudication of left hind limb and a rupture of cranial cruciate ligament. The Cranial Draw Test was positive and the Tibial Compression Test was positive. We did a TPLO surgery by using BlueSAO TPLO-M8.5mm locking plate.

Thanks for Dr. Thirawat Sumalaifrom Thailandbringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO