BlueSAO Small Animal Orthopedics Case Library

20210728-【Fracture of radius and ulna】A Labrador retriever, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-L antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Labrador retriever, 6 years old, male, unneutered, 21 kg, a rescue dog, had a fracture of the radius and ulna of the r
20210722-【Fracture of distal radius and ulna+Comminuted fracture of femur】A Poodle, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Poodle,6 years old, male, 3.5kg, suffered from a fracture of right distal radius and ulna, a comminuted fracture of fe
20210607 -【Comminuted fracture of humerus】A cat, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A cat, one year old, female, 3.7kg, suffered from a comminutedfracture of humerus condyle, fixed with the BlueSAO HyProt
20210603 -【Fracture of tibia】A Bichon Frise, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Bichon Frise, 4 years old, male, castrated, 4kg, suffered a tibia fracture due to a bite. One month after the first su
20210510-【Comminuted and open fracture of tibia and fibula】A Ragdoll cat, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Ragdollcat, 3 years old, female, 3.3kg, fell down from a building, caused a comminuted and open fractureof left tibia
20210420 -【Comminuted and open fracture of distal radius and ulna】A Poodle, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Poodle, one year old, male, 5.6kg, fell down from the second floor, caused a comminuted and open fracture of left dist
20210409 -【Fracture of radius and ulna】A Poodle, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Poodle, 7 monthsold, female, 4kg, injured by a accidental fall, caused a fracture of radius and ulna, fixed with the B
20210408-【Fracture of radius and ulna】A Poodle, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Poodle, 3 years old, female, 4kg, injured by a accidental fall, caused a fracture of radius and ulna, fixed with the B
20210406 -【Comminuted and open fracture of radius and ulna】A German Shepherd, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-L antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
AGerman Shepherd, 3 months old, male, 7.3kg, bitten by a dog, caused a comminuted and open fractureof left radius and ul
20210301 -【Oblique fracture of pelvis】A Poodle, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Poodle, two years and six months old, 3kg, male, castrated, hit by a car, caused an oblique fractureof pelvis, fixed w

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO